Expanding wings.

It felt like I was charmed by the speed of March. Days felt like minutes and minutes felt like a quarter of seconds.
But each second was a thrill, a mixed kind of one. But I guess that's what makes life going.
Working on projects makes life worth a living, to me. A new day means a new challenge. These challenges might be scary, but I tend to see them as something beautiful.

The further I step, the clearer I see the future. Specifically,  how I picture mine. I tend to set down the fire in my soul to things that I somehow know that "this is not it", but create fire storms to things that glowed my spirit. My unconsciousness somehow leads me to things that my heart agree without me directly realizing it. I'm in the process of exploring new things. I'm expanding my wings. I've been haunted by anxiety, but I interpret this as a good sign. A sign that I've set my goals high up to the sky. A sign that tells me that this would not be easy. A sign that might just be an origin of a spectacular being.

I might be setting on a slow mode for this blog. I've changed some perspectives of it; therefore, I want it to be more of a sharing space. My very own sharing space. A space where I share my experiences, achievements, and beautiful objects that seems nonsense. I want this blog to be a part of my journey, so I might just be posting about anything. :)

So this was a formally neat look that I pulled off for an interview a couple of days ago. I've never seen white shirts worn wrongly, so it seems that it's a perfect first choice for pulling off such a look. And the best thing is, it can be matched with almost anything! It was such a coincidence how my patterned pants camouflages with the painting at Artotel. Like they're destined to meet...

Can you guess what this is? No it's not a menu book in today's-yet-so-themed eating-places. It's my personal hand made work portfolio!
They say that a cover is the representative of the content, so it pretty much speaks out the inside :)

These are just a few from some of my ongoing projects. No they're not fashion related, but still related to my passion. I will be sharing about it when it's done.
If u realize,  I have an "Oyster" logo on the left side of this blog's sidebar. What does it present? My experiences. Why oyster? Well the shell is the world and the pearl is the goal that is meant to be reached. So I will always be sharing the results and the stories behind my special projects. if you lost track, go click on it to get a thought of how my life truly go.

Pekan Komunikasi 2014, one of the biggest communication event in Indonesia.  #pekom2014 ♡

Awesome Mary Jane hologram shoes from DnC shoes! There's somehow a futuristic adaption from the hologram on this vintage inspired shoe design. The combination shall do.
And one thing is, I never did moved on from my love of coral blue. It's just too beautiful :"

The infamous yet now famous artsy hotel! Before, I thought this was an art gallery when I passed Thamrin. But i've then realized it was a hotel... praise art.

A fellow partner to my everything ♡

An inspiring quote from an awesome movie, Divergent to close the day: "Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up" - Veronica Roth

1 feedbacks:

Fenny Wong said...

Your photos is a feast to the eyes! The hotel seems very interesting, might be visiting the next time I'm in Jakarta. I really love the shot of you standing in front of that painting, the painting really matches your pants, it was picturesque.

xxx MODEmoiselle